Reminder - School Visitor Check-in

Dear Parents/Carers,

Just a friendly reminder to please check in with your mobile via the "School Visitor Check-in" posters displayed around the school, each time you are on the school premises for an extended period of time.  For example, if you are volunteering at the school for reading or having a meeting at the school, please check in.  This allows us to know who is onsite at any given time, which is especially important in case of emergency.

Visitors to the school who do not have a mobile can use the School Visitor Check-in iPad found at the school office.

(Check-in is not required when you are simply dropping off or picking up your child.)

Thank you,

BPPS Administration

Beauty Point Public School
Address: 17 Medusa Street Mosman NSW 2088
Phone: 02 9969 4260

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